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Biodegradable Food Packaging: What You Need To Know

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Did you know that biodegradable food packaging can be just as durable and aesthetic as their non-biodegradable alternatives? Find out more in the post!

Did you know that over 92% of consumers highly value sustainability when it comes to choosing a brand?According to a 2023 Nielsen report, biodegradable food packaging manufacturers and businesses are also paying attention to these changing consumer preferences.

When it comes to eco-friendly packaging, you have options like to-go containers and disposable cutlery made from renewable materials. These typically include bagasse, wood, bamboo, and recycled paper along with compostable bioplastics.

The main goal of promoting biodegradable packaging as such is to reduce the environmental degradation that occurs due to uncontrolled plastic use. Single-use plastics, which make up nearly 40% to 50% of global plastic production every year, have raised significant concerns.

From polluting our oceans and endangering marine life to increasing landfill waste, it is a major reason why authorities want to encourage greener alternatives. You can be among the sustainability leaders by embracing eco-friendly food packaging to replace plastics. Here’s how!

What is Biodegradable Food Packaging?

Let us begin by answering a simple question: what is biodegradable food packaging?

A man holding a biodegradable wooden or recycled paper food container(Source: Pexels)

It refers to food and beverage packaging made of renewable and natural sources that aren’t harmful to the environment, unlike plastics. These sources typically include the following biodegradable and compostable materials:

  • Sugarcane Fiber (Bagasse)

  • Recycled Paper

  • Cardboard/Paperboard

  • Bioplastics

  • Wood

  • Bamboo

  • Agave

  • Palm Leaf

These materials, when composted properly, break down into organic matter and integrate with the environment. Some of them like bagasse and paper can also improve soil health in the form of compost waste.

It is important to mention biodegradable packaging requires specific composting conditions. These include controlled enzymatic reactions, microbial activities, temperatures, and moisture levels.

According to European Bioplastics Market Data for 2023, the global bioplastics (also a biodegradable packaging option) is set to increase from 2.18 million tonnes to 7.43 million tonnes by 2028. However, this is still low compared to the 400 million tonnes of annual plastic production from 2022.

Global bioplastics product estimate and forecast for 2028(Source: european )

Types of Biodegradable Food Packaging

Most of the sustainable food packaging comes from natural materials. Since these break down into organic matter over time, they improve soil health and reduce the carbon footprint.

Food being served in a disposable paper container

(Source: Pexels)

Moreover, they don’t necessarily require extensive landfill deposits which saves us from harmful land pollution. According to a scientific study, specific types of biodegradable packaging materials also have antibacterial properties.

Let us help you get an idea of the most common types out there.





Microwave-safe and durable, by-product of sugarcane processing

To-go containers, cutlery, and tableware


Renewable and recyclable

Trays, wraps, bags, and cartons

Cornstarch (Bioplastics)

Compostable and comes from cornstarch

Utensils, food packaging

Wheat Straw

Agricultural by-product and compostable

Disposable food containers, cutlery, and bowls

Bamboo Fiber

Biodegradable and naturally sourced from bamboo plants

food containers, utensils, and plates

  1. Bagasse is known for its sturdiness and ability to withstand microwave heating, making it a reliable choice for various food packaging needs. This material is produced from the remnants of sugarcane processing, which contributes to its eco-friendly profile.

  2. Paper-based packaging offers the advantage of being both renewable and recyclable, aligning with sustainable practices. Its versatility allows it to be used for a wide range of applications including trays, wraps, bags, and cartons.

  3. Derived from corn starch, cornstarch-based bioplastics are fully compostable, providing an alternative to traditional plastics. These bioplastics are often used in the production of utensils and other types of food packaging.

  4. Wheat straw, an agricultural by-product, is a compostable material ideal for disposable food containers and cutlery. Its use in packaging helps reduce agricultural waste and promotes sustainability.

  5. Bamboo fiber, sourced from bamboo plants, is biodegradable and is used for making a variety of food containers, utensils, and plates. Bamboo's rapid growth and minimal need for pesticides make it an environmentally friendly material.

Applications of Biodegradable Food Packaging

Since there are numerous options available, each type of biodegradable packaging has varying applications across industries. This mainly comes down to their eco-friendly properties and sustainable benefits.

A man delivering eco-friendly food packages.

(Source: Pexels)

According to the European Bioplastics report of 2021, the packaging market utilized nearly 48% of the total bioplastics production that year (approximately 1.15 million tonnes).

1. Food Service Industry

Biodegradable packaging for food is available in a range of styles and types. From wooden cutlery and utensils to recycled paper cups and bagasse to-go containers, food businesses are utilizing sustainable packaging at an increasing scale. These businesses include catering services, cafes, restaurants, and even corporate food vendors. Toward Packaging indicates that the global eco-friendly packaging market could reach $430 billion by 2032.

2. Grocery Stores and Retailers

The retail industry has also adopted biodegradable packaging. This typically includes packaging to sell deli items, ready-to-eat meals, and fresh produce like fruits and vegetables. Eco-friendly clamshells and trays made of Polylactic Acid (PLA) are among the common materials along with cornstarch bioplastics.

3. Consumer Goods

The use of sustainable packaging has also reached several consumer product markets. Now, consumers find cosmetics and other household items packed in paperboard, cardboard, and other eco-friendly materials. This indicates the growing shift from conventional plastics to more environmentally friendly alternatives.

4. Sustainable Catering and Hospitality Industry

The trend of biodegradable packaging has also reached the catering industry. Caterers have started using disposable cutlery and utensils made of natural and renewable materials. Since catering is a huge part of the hospitality industry, the shift from conventional plastics to ecological packaging has marked a significant step towards sustainability.

Biodegradable Packaging Vs Conventional Packaging

So, what separates biodegradable packaging from conventional packaging? There are significant differences between the two which include varying properties and environmental impact. The differences are also visible through the regulatory considerations of both types of packaging.

 Conventional food packaging containers made of plastics(Source: Pexels)

1. Environmental Impact

Biodegradable packaging can break down into natural substances over time. It can be a biological, natural process or a specific composting environment that leads to it. Regardless, the end product is organic waste which is actually good for the environment.

On the other hand, conventional packaging which uses plastics can linger in the environment for years. The World Wildlife Fund of Australia (WWF Australia) claims that it can take anywhere from 20 to 450 years for plastics to break down. This is a serious environmental concern that leads to pollution and landfills.

2. Properties

Biodegradable packaging varies tremendously in terms of properties. Some materials like wood and bioplastics made from PLA can last longer while recycled paper and other paper-based packaging have a shorter life span. However, recent developments have led to more sturdy and functional packaging options.

The Global Trade Magazine cited a Toward Packaging report which indicates that the global plastic packaging market could reach over $584 billion by 2032. This could be due to the versatility and durability of plastic packages. They can retain moisture and have excellent barrier properties to keep contents fresh. Moreover, they can be easily shaped and molded, unlike eco-friendly packaging.

3. Regulatory Considerations

The regulations in the biodegradable packaging market mainly focus on ensuring that the products are compatible. This guarantees that the product will break down into natural and organic substances within a specified timeframe. The main certifications that prove this are EN 13432 and ASTM D6400.

At the same time, the regulations in the conventional packaging market focus on recycling and waste management. Some regulations restrict the use of specific substances due to the risk of hazardous leaks into food or beverage products. Furthermore, many regions have initiated bans and proactive restrictions on plastic packaging to reduce environmental impact.


Biodegradable Packaging

Conventional Packaging

Environmental Impact

Breaks down naturally and reduces plastic pollution

Non-biodegradable and lingers in the environment for long


Compostable, functional, biodegradable, and sturdy

Durable, versatile, long-lasting

Regulatory Considerations

Compostability standards like BPI and ASTM D6400 certification

Waste management, recycling, and substance restrictions

How to Choose Biodegradable Food Packaging?

You will have to consider several factors before choosing sustainable food packaging for your business or household needs. This will ensure that you can dispose of them effectively while utilizing them safely for everyday consumption.

A biodegradable food packaging container made of paperboard or other paper-based materials.

(Source: Pexels)

1. Material Type

According to Science Direct, biodegradable food packaging materials like Polylactic Acid (PLA) are considered promising alternatives to conventional plastics. It also indicates that different materials have varying properties in terms of moisture resistance, durability, and compostability.

2. Cost Factors

You will have to consider the slightly higher initial costs of adopting biodegradable packaging for food delivery and other services. Purchasing in bulk with the right supplier can offer economies of scale.

3. Compostability Certifications and Biodegradability Standards

You shouldn’t buy biodegradable food packaging that lacks proper certification. Look for certification like the ASTM D6400 or EN 13432. This will ensure that products are compostable and non-toxic for food safety.

4. Food Safety and Suitability

It is important to know that different biodegradable packages have different moisture and heat resistance capabilities. Some are more durable and sturdy to keep contents fresh for a long, while others disintegrate quickly and are suitable for short-term use.

We also have articles on disposable tableware and food safety for you.

5. Supplier Reputation and Commitment

Your choice of supplier shouldn’t focus on cost considerations alone. Review the supplier’s reputation and supply of packaging varies. Make sure they are committed to sustainable sourcing and manufacturing practices.

6. Regulatory Compliance

Your pick of disposable and biodegradable packaging should depend on local regulations. Some municipal or regional guidelines might prohibit the use of certain materials for food packaging. So, make sure you check in with the local guidelines to make an informed choice.

7. Lifecycle Assessment

Don’t forget to assess the lifecycle of different biodegradable materials. They vary in terms of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste reduction potential. We created a table to give you a rough idea about the lifespan of the most common types.


Lifespan (Approx.)

Recycled Paper

2-5 months


1-3 months


1-3 months


4-6 months


Could take years depending on the thickness

Challenges of Biodegradable Packaging

We understand that transitioning from plastics and non-biodegradables to eco-friendly packaging made from recycled paper and bagasse can be a challenge.

It requires you to understand the characteristics of different biodegradable materials along with proper disposal infrastructure. Let us look at some of the most common challenges faced in the process.

1. Shelf Life and Durability

Although they are beneficial for the environment, biodegradable packaging for food often has a shorter shelf life than conventional plastics, according to a study.

2. Disposal Methods and Infrastructure

To maximize environmental benefits and actually reduce waste, proper disposal is necessary for biodegradable packaging. However, some regions still lack the necessary composting and recycling infrastructure.

3. Awareness Among Consumers

A scientific study claims that consumers experience some confusion about which materials are more or less sustainable. That makes it difficult for them to distinguish between biodegradable and compostable materials which further hinders their disposal methods.

                                              Garbage cans for biodegradable paper products

                                                                                          (Source: Pexels)

4. Varying Composting Requirements

Biodegradable food packaging materials require specific temperatures, moisture levels, and microbial activity to break down into organic waste. Unfortunately, not all composting facilities are equipped adequately for that.

You can learn more about the difference between industrial composting and home composting.

5. Slightly Higher Initial Costs

Grand View Research indicates that biodegradable plastics can be 20% to 100% more expensive than traditional plastics. This makes widespread adoption a slightly bigger challenge.

6. Complex Regulatory Landscape

Scientific research reveals that there are inconsistencies in government regulations and composting facility management initiatives. This makes it challenging for eco-conscious businesses to comply with the constantly changing regulatory framework to maintain sustainable practices.


1. What Certification Should I Look for in Biodegradable Food Packaging?

We recommend looking for the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) and ASTM D6400 certification. These ensure the packaging is compostable and meets biodegradability standards.

2. What Challenges Will I Face When Adopting Biodegradable Packaging for Food?

You might have slightly higher initial costs and will have to educate consumers and employees on proper disposal methods. Moreover, you will be required to meet regulatory compliance for compostability standards.

3. How Is Biodegradable Food Packaging Good for the Environment?

It comes from renewable sources which reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and energies. Moreover, biodegradable packages break down into organic waste in the form of compost.

4. What Are the Most Common Types of Eco-Friendly Packaging?

These include to-go containers, disposable cups, cutlery, and other tableware made from biodegradable sources. Those can be paper-based materials, sugarcane bagasse, recycled paper, bioplastics, wood, and bamboo.


We discussed biodegradable food packaging in great detail. It comes in wooden, bamboo, paper, and bioplastic varieties with unique benefits and features. Moreover, each type of biodegradable packaging for food has multiple cross-industry applications.

It is important to note that choosing the right eco-friendly packaging requires careful planning and consideration. Once you do that, you must ensure proper disposal to maximize the environmental benefits and reduce waste.

With the right supplier, you can order high-quality biodegradable food packaging to replace single-use plastics and curb global pollution. At the same time, it will help you meet changing consumer demands and enhance your brand reputation as well.

Explore Biodegradable Food Packaging Solutions with Sumkoka!

Sumkoka is a leading disposable tableware and cutlery manufacturer. Our company has been delivering innovative disposable tableware and dinnerware for more than 12 years. We use the best quality and ethically sourced sugarcane fiber to produce long-lasting biodegradable food packaging solutions.

Our team employs strict quality assurance checks to maintain the integrity and durability of biodegradable bagasse products. We ensure lasting performance and ultimate customer satisfaction.

Want to experience sustainable dining with Sumkoka? Request a sample from our dedicated product designers.

Discover the endless variety of biodegradable and eco-friendly food packaging options at Sumkoka. Contact us today!

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Hefei Sumkoka Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2012 and we are China professional manufacturer that produces disposable environmentally friendly bagasse tableware.

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